Memories [ Part 1 ]

After 9 months of working , the day has come to an end .
It's the time to bid farewell to my colleagues in Thunder Match Technology .
Especially the finance department people whom I love and  work together with . *sobs*

Thanks to Thunder Match , I'd learnt a lot of things . I'd gain new experience in working and gained new friends. To be exact , working in Thunder Match will be my very first job in my life :) I had learnt to know that working life and study life is totally different .  We just need to apply our knowledge that we had in our daily working life . It is quite simple but somehow boring .

I remembered for the very first day of working , I felt very uncomfortable and akward with the people in Thunder Match office . My brother accompanied me to office on the very first day . I went for a short interview with Ms Chong , the finance director . Well , it was not an interview to be exact . I was so afraid and nervous on the first day because I don't know anyone in the office . But then all my colleagues were very nice and friendly to me .

Our office was located in Berjaya Time Square at first . So basically , I worked in Time Square for 6 months before we all shifted to our new office at Taman Shamelin Perkasa . While we were at Time Square on the last day , I had so much fun with my team members . We had clean the whole office . Although we were tired , but we still had the time to go for a very last shopping day . Hahah .


It was worth it to join Thunder Match . I gained a lot of benefits such as free tickets for KPOP concerts and discounts for phone and laptop :) It was really worth it . It was worth it to work with my cousin brother :)) I love his company . HAHAHA .

G-Dragon :))

 Hmmm ,  , I shall continue to post about my farewell dinner on the next post :))

See ya


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