Recap Ajar-Ajar
Heyy ! Since today is the last day of Ajar-Ajar, so I'm going to post about recap on Ajar-Ajar.
What is Ajar-Ajar? I'm sure many of you are wondering what is it all about. This Ajar-Ajar is actually about a volunteering service project where you will be teaching "free tuition" for children who need a guidance on their academic.
It was indeed a good experience for me to join this project. It was my very first time teaching a child Bahasa Melayu as I'm the youngest child at home. I don't have any experience in communicating with children. Before joining Ajar-Ajar, I've always thought that I would not be able to communicate with children. It's not like I hate children, but I just feel like there is "something" blocking me from communicating with children. After a few lesson, I started to realize that I can actually communicate with children but it needs time. I've slowly learned how to communicate with my little girl :) To be honest, it was quite a challenging task for me to teach her due to a language barrier and both of us are too quiet person. Guess I'll need to improve myself more in asking a more non-academic type of question. Haha !
Frankly speaking, Ajar-Ajar was not my first volunteering service project I'd joined. Back then, I'd join Leo Club in high school for 2 years. I was not an active member and I tend to be lazy and always give excuses of not attending those activities. I like to go for volunteer projects but I just don't have the enthusiasm and confidence to do it. I tend to give up easily in doing anything. Somehow, after joining Ajar-Ajar, I've started to change a little where I seldom give any excuses of not joining the activities although sometimes I don't feel like going. Haha ! At least, I improve a little bit right? :D I know that I won't be able to grow up if I don't open up and explore everything by myself.
Apart from teaching children, I also had learnt a lot of valuable things for the past three months. For example, I'd learnt many things which related to our humanity life. "Trust, Beauty and Love" is the most captivating phrase I've ever captured throughout the whole period of this project. Trust is the most important word or element in every human life. Without trust, you would not be able to get a beautiful life and love. Throughout this project, I also get to know the meaning of "live life to the fullest". We mustn't give up in doing anything and we need to sacrifice everything include ourselves and our happiness in order to give hope to others. We must also enjoy our life and live in a simple world :)
To be really really honest and truthful, joining Ajar-Ajar is a big challenging course for me because a majority of them speak too much of Chinese. (p.s I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings) It's not like I hate Chinese-educated student nor look down on them, its just that I can't really accept or adapt to that environment. I am Chinese. I can speak Chinese, but I just cannot accept the reality of speaking too much of Chinese. I feel left out! *cries* I don't know the reason behind. It's just my perception. Please don't kill me if I'm being too honest.
During this short period of time, I am very grateful and happy to join this volunteering service as I get to know a lot of friends and gain a lot of experience. I hope I will do better in the coming semester. Bak kata pepatah, "sehari selembar benang lama-lama menjadi kain".
Ajar- Ajar, till I see you next semester! :) Thank you for everything.
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